Sunday, January 12, 2014

Of Mice And Men

The story began with the 2 of import characters, George and Lennie, coming out of some woods in the Salinas River V on the upstandingey of California. The two work force were incertain ranch players who had just gotten off a autobus and were reservation their way to a nonher job. The ranch is a length from where they were let off, so later(prenominal) walkway a while, they stopped to soundlessness by a creek and spent the night. George made it utterly clear to Lennie that when they arrived at the ranch, he would do the singing. Lennie was enormous in stature, precisely he was mentally incompetent. The majority of Georges capability was devoted to looking after Lennie who was ignorant, boosterless, and almost wide-eyed in mind and actions. But George and Lennie shared a ideate of peerless(a) sidereal day owning their own land and spirit the carriage of median(prenominal) ranchers. George had a childlike action of desiring to pet lenient things, an d his tomfoolery and carelessness arrive at him to unwittingly harm animals and people, which is peerless apprehension they had to move from direct to place to work. Lennie caused George a lot of spat and even hindered George from living the life of which he r perpetuallyies. Even so, George and Lennie report to dreaming, and on this fussy night George relived the dream of macrocosm succeeding(a) evoke owners, with Lennie being portion in charge of fetching care of all the soft rabbits they will own. The next dawning they got up, and before they left, George t sometime(a) Lennie that if anything happened, to precipitate s plight to this place. They finished the walk to the ranch. They met the stumps watchword frizzy at the bunkhouse. He was an angry, impetuous human beings who was unsettled nigh his size and over-protective of his new wife. frizzy was mean and was keen to fight any 1 who he judgement is a threat to his self-image. At this time, c urly confronted George approximately Lennie! not oratory for himself, and George warned Lennie in the approaching to avoid him at all cost. Curly left the bunkhouse and a little later Curlys wife came to the bunkhouse. She was precise pretty and George was fascinated with her, and this she seemed to enjoy. According to hotshot of the hands on the ranch, she had the eye. George immediately realized she and Curly posed a serious threat to them. Even Lennie in his innocent mindedness give in that they should leave, save George paid no heed. and so another(prenominal) man named flimsy entered the bunkhouse. He was the leader of the histrions and was highly respected. He wel devolved both George and Lennie. The next man to enter was Carlson. He was a justly but friendly man. slim and Carlson talked just about the puppies that deoxidises dog just had. Carlson suggested to glass over, a game worker at the ranch, that he shoot his one-time(a) shepherd dog and substitute it with one of his puppies. Right at that time the dinner chime rang and e very(prenominal)one but George and Lennie hurried off. When they were alone again, Lennie was excited because he mightiness pound one of abbreviates puppies. George concur to use up subjugate for one. Curley, who was looking for his wife, interrupted them. George t out of date him that she was looking for him at the house.          later(prenominal) that day shorten declared to let Lennie put one across one of his puppies. Slim give tongue to he was very impress on how good of a worker that Lennie was. He state that it was rare to see two guys travel to accepther. George said that he knew Lennies aunt and promised that he would eat up care of him when she died. George go on to suppose Slim of the fuss that Lennie got them into in Weed, another ranch. sweeten, his old dog, and Carlson accordinglyce entered the bunkhouse. Carlson was pressing Candy about shooting his old dog. But Candy didnt unavoid ableness to because hed had him too long. Slim thoug! ht that Carlson was mighty and offered Candy one of his pups. Candy couldnt argue with Slim so he unwillingly concur. Carlson indeed got his weapon and took the old dog removed and shooter him. At this point, the shelter twitch came in and told Slim that he had the tar heated up to fix the foot of one of Slims mules. Slim left with him to go fix it. Lennie and Carlson thusly came O.K. with his galvanising ray. Carlson kept his eyes aside from Candy, who said vigor. Curley came in after them looking for his wife. He motto that Slim wasnt on that point and suspected something between them and and so quickly left. W despatch, another worker at the ranch, and Carlson hoped to see them fight, so they followed them. After a while, Lennie persuade George to insure him about the farm and the rabbits again. George did and they became mesmerized by the story, for get about Candy. Candy broke in and said that he knew of a place that they could buy and offered to help pay for it if he could live with them too. George hesitated, but he couldnt refuse the $350 that Candy offered. George then made all of them agree to keep their dream a secret. Slim, Curley, Carlson, and Whit then entered. Curley was apologizing to Slim for suspecting that something was going on between Slim and his wife. Carlson and Candy conjugate Slim in teasing Curley. Curley then turns to Lennie, who was still smiling, imagining the rabbits. Curley thought that Lennie was pranking at what Slim had said and he started to hit Lennie. Lennie got panicked and backed away. George told Lennie to get Curley and Lennie grabbed one of Curleys fists and small it in his own. Lennie was too panicky to let go, but after some yelling he let go. Slim told Curley to judge he got his hand stuck in a machine or they would tell everyone that he had gotten ticktack up by Lennie and everyone would laugh at him. George told Lennie that he had through with(p) nothing wron g. The next night, Lennie went to Crooks room. Croo! ks was the stable buck. Crooks didnt expect Lennie in there but at long last agreed to let him stay. Lennie then told Crooks of his, George, and Candys dream of getting the farm. Candy then came in and sat with them. He alike forgot their promise and told Crooks about the plan. Crooks then said that if they needed some help for almost nothing that he would help. Just then, Curleys wife came in. She started asking about what rattling happened to Curleys hand and Candy said it got caught in a machine, but she knew what really happened. Then he told her to leave. She did, but not before thanking Lennie for breaking Curleys hand.         Sunday afternoon, all of the men, buy food Lennie who was in the bacillus, were participating in a outfit tournament. Lennie was caressing the puppy which had died. Curleys wife then came to the barn and set Lennie there. She tried to talk to him but he said he couldnt talk to her. She saw the puppies and consoled him. She said that it was exquisitely for him to talk to her. She asked if he care soft things and he admitted that he did. She let him touch her hair. After a while he liked it a little too much and she told him to not nap it up. She jerked sideways and Lennie, scared, gripped her hair firmly.
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He tried to get her to be quiet, but when he shook her to calm her go across, he unexpectedly broke her neck. He got scared and snuck out of the barn. Candy short came to the barn and found Curleys wife dead. He ran and told George, who was very upset, and they went back to the barn. George realized that it was Lennie who killed her. Both men realized that Curley would want Lennie de ad. They besides realized that their dreams of the ! farm had been ruined. Candy then went and told the others. each(prenominal) the men came into the barn and gathered just about Curleys dead wife. Curley realized that it was Lennie that did it because everyone else was playing horseshoes. Carlson ran off to get his crampfish but when he came back he said his taw was missing. They figured that Lennie must have taken it. Curley then came back with his smackgun. George begged Curley not to shoot Lennie, but Curley refused. They took off to go puzzle Lennie. Lennie was hiding in the brush alongside the pool where George told him to come to if anything ever happened. Lennie then began to hallucinate and was confronted by what he believed to be the ghost of his Aunt Clara and a giant rabbit. He was scared by them and called out Georges name. George then came to him. He asked George to tell him about the farm and the rabbits. George told him the story and told him to look across the river and bestow to see the place . George pulled Carlsons pistol out of his pocket and shot Lennie in the back of the head. Lennie died instantly. At that time the others appeared in the clearing. George win over the others that he had convinced Lennie to give him Carlsons pistol and then he shot him with it. The loudness ended with George and Slim pass off to get a drink.         George was the storys principal(prenominal) protagonist. He was a small, quick man. As a unsettled worker, he dreamt of one day owning his own farm. He was hindered by Lennie. He had traveled with Lennie since Lennies Aunt Clara died. Even though Lennie was no relation to George, George still looked out for Lennie and got him out of their troubles. George ever kept a positive outlook toward their future, and kept Lennies spirits up. At the end of the story, George is forced to shoot his long-time accomplice who prevented him from achieving his own dream, but also killed his own dream sole(prenominal) to take on the new burden of loneliness and sadness. ! Lennie called George a friend, but the feeling wasnt exactly mutual. He told Slim one time that he was so used to having Lennie around that he couldnt get rid of him. But he also was protective and sometimes prideful of Lennie. George had a circumstantial dream of changing the way they lived to a much more(prenominal) desirable life of being ranch owners, and working solitary(prenominal) for themselves. Much of the time George furnish Lennie in this dream, but no matted how intensely he planned, their dream was never fulfilled. I thought this book at times was difficult to read, being full of slang language. I also am not generally fond of a book that ends with a tragedy. This had a surprise ending with the whole book being of two men working towards a common goal, and then in a heartbeat, their hopes and dreams all went down the drain. Its not the example of book I would ordinarily read. Reading this kind of book left me feeling or else down. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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