Saturday, January 25, 2014

Sociolgy 215

Sociology Mid-Term Review Sheet 1) In our discussion of Native issues and in your schoolbook we looked at structural functionalism and conflict theory approaches as a solution to the Indian problem A) Functionalist theories- look to preoccupation as a solution. * Believe problems caused by refused to modernize * Solutions must be think on closing the gaps culturally mingled with Neotitic Cultures and the modern world. B) encroach theories- believe protection of aboriginal inequality is critical for go on a post compound Canada. * Modernization model proposed by functionalism is the cause of the problem. 2) You should know how to coiffe terms such as prejudice, discrimination and racism. A) Prejudice * Pre-convinced notions (negative in nature.) reinforced generally through stereotypes (in the media) B) Discrimination * The actions relate with pre-conceived notions (prejudice)- goes against m ilitary personnel rights code. Dejour * il reasoned in Canada * Blatant (ex. Indian Act) Defacto * bland inwardly our social network * informal discrimination C) Racism * bring in a firm stand insupiority at the expense of others ( from stereotypes) twain prejudice and discrimination whitethorn lead to racism. Systematic * having legal (written) rules discriminating against a minority group. Systemic * impersonal, unconscious, forms of discrimination. ( sure careers EX: stewardesses.) 3) We discussed 4 ways institutional racism is linked with the depend of capital accumulation. * Acted to exclude true groups of people from entering the country. * Ex: all policys brought in for Chinese (head tax) * Has been used to allocate certain groups of people to certain areas of work. * Ex: Chinese working on railways * Domestic servants * Been involved in the civ il and political marginalisation of groups o! f people. * Ex: Denying the right to vote....If you want to get a closemouthed essay, order it on our website:

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