Monday, February 10, 2014

Evils of war

I endlessly perceived fight to be first-class and honourable. However, as time passed by and change has come about, my cerebration has in any berth transformed. No longer is war the glorious thing it formerly represented to me. Instead, it has become a monstrosity, a miserable self- solelyification for murder, m startary gain, bloodshed and a means of justifying pride in ones region. Sol separaters be just like the pawns of their governments in the war go on the chessboard battle-fields; they think that it is glorious to die for ones country; they do non know that the very people they trash are plainly clones of themselves, boys with mothers to return to, young men with wives and commitments. They phone songs of joy, of pride and of loyalty, non realizing the bitter irony of their words, understanding lone(prenominal) when the bullets tear into their living underframe that they have been deceived with honey-laden smooth express carried out by officers. At home, th eir anxious mothers, wives and children wait, knitting their worries into sensitive jerseys for their men, jerseys that will soon be used to cover their buncombe corpses. For numerous of them, they will not see their men again, unless they purpose to venture into enemy down and dig up the potentiometer graves into which the bodies of fallen soldiers are callously thrown without the aura for which they died. War is another happy creation of mankind, a tool used to gain source and financial benefits. There are many reasons for wars, but one must understand that there is always more downstairs the surface. If a country says that it is fighting a war because it was insulted by another country, it is for sure a lie. No government would intrust thousands of their young men out to die over a mere insult. No, its ok, but its short, has no literal references or case studies and I think the language is furthermost too flowery for an! essay. If you want to get a blanket(a) essay, order it on our website:

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