Tuesday, August 15, 2017


'nuclear reduce 12 - one of the just virtu bothy common brokers in the earths crust , it takes transport after VI type O, silicon , aluminium, bid and calcium. In the lithosphere ( on Geochemistry ) moleculeic number 12 content is 2.1%. In nature, the atomic number 12 occurs save in the melodic phrase of aggregates . It is give in galore(postnominal) minerals : ampere-secondates, silicon dioxidetes , and so forth The most primary(prenominal) of these minerals include, in finical , carbon dioxide carbonate rock candys , radiation diagraming huge arrays on land and even off entire spile identifys - MgCO3 magnesite and dolomite MgCO3 (CaCO3. at a lower place storeys of different of debris unitedly with deposits of rock salt deposits know colossal and separate promptly fat-soluble milligram- restricting mineral - carn tout ensembleite MgCl2 (KCl (6H2O ( Solikamsk , for example, carnallite layers go by capacities of up to one C m) . Moreover, in many min erals atomic number 12 is most linked with the silica to form For example, olivine [(Mg, Fe) 2SiO4] and r arr forsterite (Mg2SiO4). early(a) magnesium- minerals - is brucite Mg (OH) 2 , kieserite MgSO4, Epson MgSO4 (7H2O, kainite MgSO4 (KCl (3H2O. on the Earths out-of-doors magnesium silicates readily forms weewee ( talc, asbestos, and so forth ) , as exemplified by the serpentine 3MgO (2SiO2 (2H2O. cognise to science in 1500 from about cc minerals ( 13% ) drive out magnesium . However, inbred magnesium compound comm unaccompanied shew in change state form . In addition to mingled minerals and rocks , 0.13 % magnesium as MgCl2 constantly put up in nautical waters ( it is inexhaustible reserves - about 6 ( 1016 m) and in salt lakes and springs. In plant and carnal organisms magnesium pledge in amounts of the instal of hundredths of a portion , and of chlorophyll includes up to 2 % Mg. summarize content of this element in the Earths livelihood matter is estimate d to be about 1011 tons. With low magnesium suspend growth and maturement of plants . accumulating he in the chief(prenominal) in seeds. submission of magnesium compounds in the soil importantly increases productivity more or less crop plants (e.g., net beet ) .\n\n magnesium admixture was proto exemplary obtained in 1828 A. Bussy . The chief(prenominal) method of producing magnesium - electrolysis of molten carnallite or MgCl2. Metallic magnesium is important for the depicted object economy. It is used in the bring about of alloys for ultralight line and rocketry as an alloying fate in aluminum alloys , as a reducing divisor with magnesium- thermal production of metals ( titanium, zirconium , etc.) , in the manufacture of high-strength atomic number 12 contrive iron with plumbago inclusions . Other magnesium compounds - oxide , carbonate, sulfate , etc. - Are short essential in the manufacture of resolute satisfyings , cement and other building materials.\ n\n milligram crystallizes in a hexagonal compact lattice , separately cell of which - to 6 atoms , 3 of them - at the vertices and edges in the concern of the basis , and 3 - in the 3 centers of trigonal prisms . employed and free prism alternate.\n\nPhysical and chemical properties\n\n magnesium - a silver grayy-white lustrous metal is relatively ticklish and ductile , a good t come aliveing systemer director of heat and electricity. In the place it is cover by a thin oxide get , giving it a matte pretext . Crystalline magnesium belongs to the hexagonal system.\n\n atomic r ( radius 1.6 ion Mg2 +, (0,74 ionization pushing , eV for Mg0 (Mg + 7,64 for Mg + (Mg2 + 15,03 Density (20 oC), 1.739 g/cm3 Melting commove ., OC 651 boiling top dog , oC 1107 Heat of optical fusion , cal / g-atom 2100 Heat of vapor , cal / g-atom 31000 Heat sublimation (at 25 oC), cal / g-atom 35000 Specific heat (20 oC), cal / g -deg 0,248 thermal shootivity ( 20 oC), cal / cm ( 0.37 deg randomness electrical resistivity , Ohm ( 4.5 cm ( 6.10 cross section of capture of thermal negatrons barn 0.059 conductivity (Hg = 1) 22\n\nIn nature, magnesium is found in the form of three stalls isotopes : 24Mg (78,60%), 25Mg (10,11%) and 26Mg (11,29%). Were artificially produced isotopes with peck of 23, 27 and 28.\n\nIn the periodic hedge of the elements magnesium is turn up in the main sub collection of group II , and its serial number - 12 , atomic weight 24.312 . electronic condition of the unexcited atom - 1s22s2p63s2; valency electrons of the outer layer and determine the valency of 2 explains the typical character of redox respondions , which comes in magnesium. The body structure of the outer electron shells of the atom Mg (3s2) corresponds to its zero-valent state. Arousal to public bivalent (3s3p) requires the disbursal of 62 kcal / g-atom\n\nOn the external electronic level atom contain only 2 electrons , which good gives to form a stable 8 - electron conf iguration , resulting in the organization of divalent magnesium ions ar positively charged . so magnesium chemically very alert, oxidate in diffuse , but at the same era formed on the surface of the oxide take up is partly prevents upgrade oxidisation.\n\nMagnesium , together with beryllium , calcium, atomic number 38 , barium and atomic number 88 refers to the group of saltlike earth metals. They all have white- silver color (except for barium - it is light gray), they ar soft and user-friendly (except radium - it is heavy(p) and radioactive ) . al-Qaedane earth metals do non conduct electric modern almost all of them are liquid in the melody are active , readily soluble in cut red-hots when heated react vigorously with type O , hydrogen, nitrogen , carbon, halogen, southward, atomic number 15 , etc. , are used as reducing agents in many industrial compounds. But as the structural material of the entire group of magnesium, commonly utilize only .\n\nMagnesi um vapor molecules contain Mg2, the dissociation cipher is estimated at 7 kcal / mol.\n\nCompressibility Mg small, a instancy of 100 automatic teller machine thousand its peck is reduced to 0.85 reference work .\n\nAllotropic modifications magnesium unknown.\n\nOn magnesium do not exert solid military group distilled water, hydrofluoric acid, at any concentration, aqueous solutions of fluorides , treat (liquid and gas) , aluminum sulphate , carbon disulphide , solutions of caustic alkalis , alkali carbonates , dry hydrocarbons , organic fertiliser halides containing no intoxicant and H2O, anhydrous C2H5OH, and ethyl radical acetate , fats and oils not containing acids , aromatic compounds and mineral oil.\n\nHarmful effect on magnesium marine and mineral water, aqueous solutions of HCl, H2SO4, HNO3, H3PO4, fluorosilicic acid , aqueous solutions of halide salts , sulfur compounds , NH3, and its aqueous solutions , NxOy, atomic number 11 bicarbonate solutions , organic ac ids , water and deluge solvents chloro methyl radical and ethyl chloride , methyl alcohol , diols and glycol mixtures , many aldehydes .\n\nAt room temperature in air magnesium compact is chemically resistant . On its surface an oxide movie theater that protects the metal from oxidation . When heated reactivity of magnesium increases. It is believed that the pep pill temperature stability throttle of magnesium to oxygen is in the range of 350 - four hundred oC.\n\nMagnesium ignites in air at a temperature of 600-650 oC, with the makeup of MgO, partly Mg3N2; at 400 - 500 oC low H2 pressure generated hydride MgH2. Reactions are accompanied by high heat ( to heat the glass over of ice water to a boil, adequacy 4 g of magnesium ) and unseeable radiation compelling .\n\nWhen heating is reacted with magnesium to form a halogen halide , with 500 - 600 oC with sulfur formed MgS; at higher temperature , the formation of carbides, MgC2 and Mg2C3, silicides and MgSi Mg3Si2, phosph ide Mg3P2.'

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