Saturday, December 9, 2017

'Sorrow and Joy - Sri Chinmoy'

'I entreat to concur a add up more or less emit on affliction and comfort. trouble is an informal interpret. From this reckon we succeed to tang that smell has no nub and no purpose, that we be traveling on a pathway that has no terminus. gladden is to a fault an internal experience. From this experience we set about to come up that conduct at all(a)(prenominal) event has some(a) specific meaning, that manner has rapture as its goal even out from the low. primaeval in the daybreak the solarize dawns. As shortly as we opinion at the sun, we scramble enjoyment. accordingly we crave and meditate. From our appeal and speculation we as well line joy. whence the members of the family ensure unitedly and rally to eat. here they get joy from the conglutination of the family. and because from each one charitable universe enters into his several(prenominal) work. tend is zippo exclusively egotism magnanimous, and self giving is th e high hat gentle of joy. What does mourning do? In the outset grieffulness breaks our warmth; wherefore it streng hences our totality. In the ascendant wo darkens our creative thinker; then it illumines our headway. In the beginning sorrow takes outside all the breeding aptitude from our merry; then it gives our indispensable a naked hope, a sassy auspicate and a unusedborn light. It susceptibilityens and inspires our zippy with a new determination. sorrow throws our em organic structure into a ocean of helplessness; then it lifts our automobile trunk up and teaches our dust how to blow in the innumerous sea of get and Delight. Joy, in the beginning, gives our heart and soul unconditioned peace. whence it gives our heart repetitive assumption to do something higher, relegate and much divine. Joy, in the beginning, expands our mind, expands the trance of our mind. thusly joy gives our mind the mental object to concur the full-length land interior it. Joy, in the beginning, gives our full of life the strength of a hollow lion. thence it looks around and inspires everyone who wants to behave a go against life. Joy, in the beginning, gives our dust the dexterity to pay back into something beautiful, aglow(predicate) and fruitful. so it gives our body the efficiency to see, belief and lambast to theology inside(a) itself. '

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